As Plain as Daylight

A few things which become rather obvious from reading about dispensational history:

☆ There is nothing new under the sun.

☆ Satan has twisted, blocked, hidden, hindered and murdered proponents of dispensational truth, as well as blinded the minds of the majority of men to it since it was revealed to Paul.

☆ Catholicism and the Popes, especially Constantine, played a huge role in trying to rid the world of the truth rightly divided. Today Catholicism’s approach is more “civilised” and subtle, but just as dangerous.

☆ “Dispensation”, “Dispensationalism”, “Dispensationalists” and especially the term “Mid-Acts Dispensationalism/Dispensationalist” are dirty words to the religious establishment, who ironically label themselves “Christian” and “followers of Christ”, yet Paul distinctly says, that in order to follow Christ, you have to follow him (Paul) and consider what he says to whom and about who he says it in his 13 epistles (1 Corinthians 11:1).

☆ Nominal, mainstream assemblies are gnostic. They are the science falsely so-called and they are a force to be reckoned with. This includes the Christian cults who allergorise the Bible too.

☆ Mid-Acts Dispensationalists under-estimate the power and influence of “Christianity” so-called today as nominal churchianty’s message is underwritten by the devil himself in his role as an angel of light.

☆ Nominal Churchianity upholds the baptistry which is in direct opposition to the Cross.

☆ The devil has a Bible, hence the reason Acts 2:38, John 3:16 and 2 Chronicles 7:14 are just three of the salvation messages denominations preach, which do not have any power through faith to save souls today.

☆ The version of history taught in schools hides and/or removes the spiritual or religious aspect of things, like Christopher Columbus’ motive to sail around the world, and the severe storm which wreaked havoc with the Spanish Armada’s impending attack on England, which in turn led to the creation of the King James Bible: and this because the educational establishment worldwide teaches the Godless form of creation known as evolution in tandem with an old earth theory which denies everything relating to God having created the heavens and the earth in the book of Genesis.

☆ It should come as no surprise that the devil will also use some peoples’ ignorance of grammar, punctuation and figures of speech to do his will, so undermining God and His word.

☆ The devil is actually the author of all corrupt bible versions. He is the author of confusion which is literally reflected in thousands of denominations worldwide.

☆ It is said boredom is the devil’s playground but actually it is ignorance. Being deceived and being followers of men who preach error equates to ignorance and ignorance comes down to nothing other than unbelief.